
She Very Well May Save Your Life…..Read…..and more important…..SHARE!

She didn’t have to write this. She did not have to be so honest and truthful. What she went through, is none of our business. What she goes through she shares. To feel sorry for her?  Not in her make-up. AT ALL. To feel her pain?  Nope. To display her hardship?  Haven’t seen that yet. She […]


How To Change the Name of a Disease?

I have been reading lately that there is an idea floating around about attempting to change the names of the various disease states that fall under the parameters of diabetes. When it comes to a movement of this type, I would never be the one to tell anyone to stop something if it’s important enough.  I would […]


Diabetes Deleted?……Surprising Answers Should it Happen……Share Your Thoughts?

It’s deleted. For so many the thought of not having diabetes is about as surreal a feeling as one could ever imagine.  As I spoke to many people who had diabetes, I was surprised at the responses.  Don’t get me wrong, every one of them stated that they long for a cure but the thought […]


I Know Where My Heart Belongs…..Do You????

Happy Valentine’s Day. Those who know, know they have my heart.  But the islet cell picture in the shape of the heart, that I posted today, was discovered by one of the Researchers at the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) and given to the world to use.  That simple gesture of sharing with the world is indicative […]


Who Has Your Back?????? Let Them Know…….

What about your child or spouse who does not have diabetes?  (And for those who are old enough, what about mom and/or dad.) When is the last time you said to them, “Hey you are pretty special and thank you for being there in this household where diabetes demands so much”.  When is the last time you […]


Wanna Join the Group???

I have had enough.  When I read Stephanie Brinegar’s post about what happened in her office when one employee suggested a cake be taken home and another employee said that she shouldn’t do that because her child was a diabetic I decided enough is enough. Join my elite group.  When someone says something really stupid; we show […]