Well it’s here again. Diabetes Awareness month. Why bother, right? TV shows will still get it wrong, organizations will still fight to own the spotlight, friends and relatives will still get it wrong, pharma companies are still the big bad guys, and our kids will still battle this disease for another year…….what difference does it really […]
Well Happy Halloween. In this day of frights and scares, I wanted to share a story with you that changed my life living with diabetes at the time (and now times two). I was once asked, what do you fear the most about your daughter having diabetes? After saying all of the obvious; going low, […]
Education. We see it all the time. The outcry for better education in so many areas. Campaigns, ideas, thoughts, outreach, anything that can be tried is tried. As many creative ideas that take the turn where some get little attention and some get a lot of attention. Some are liked, some are controversial. Everyone looks […]
This weekend as Saturday moves into Sunday, we change our clocks back one hour. One Hour? What would you do if you could change back the hours of your clock? I have asked many people with diabetes this question and many times I’m told, most often, that they could not imagine who they would be […]
I wear glasses for reading. I hate them. I hate that my age caught up with me and those letters became fuzzier and fuzzier until the inevitable became the reality…..I got glasses. I hate wearing something on my body that was not born with me into this world. I’m sure you can see where this is […]
This week is Halloween. Halloween means so much to kids. Our kids with diabetes are no exception. I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to get for her.” People can surely be wonderful. We were discussing this weekend, over coffee, that each year there was […]