
The Hardest Thing to Understand……..When a Disease Acts Like a Disease.

Ever have one of those days.  Just a day that you might need a friend to talk to, it happens from time to time.  Not a lot, but time to time. When I have those days I have a few people I can speak to, and I do.  But every now and again, those people […]


The Merry-Go-Round………Take Time to……Well……Get Off!!!!!

The job you do…….well it’s amazing.  If you wrote down everything you did in a day, not dealing with diabetes, and also created a list of everything you do dealing with diabetes, and stepped back to look at them; you would think it could never be done…….but it is.  And it’s YOU who do it […]


The Dangers to Assume…….ANYTHING!!!!!!

We live in a word where if you fall into the ‘assume trap’ you could be asking for real trouble.  We all remember that wonderful episode of the Odd Couple when Felix represents himself in court and his ‘witness’ uses the word ‘assume’.  It’s under a minute and worth the laugh….click here to see it. In […]


Today: Taboo is Being Kicked Out the Door—a Must, and Difficult, Read.

What you are about to read is delicate in nature and should be viewed with both a mature and discretionary attitude, it may not be for everyone and certainly parents should read before sharing with children of appropriate age range.  I’m writing about it because ‘not talking about it’ does not make it go away […]


School, “I’m READY for the FIGHT!!!!!!!”

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this comment and with school starting soon, and when it comes to diabetes, it serves as a reminder:  DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU GO TO SCHOOL. You should be armed and ready for your meeting regarding your child and how the school deals with diabetes.  THIS […]


You Can Help Stop A Child from Dying Due to a Missed T1 Diagnosis

As many know, Kim May (a d-Mom) and I created Get Diabetes Right.  Get Diabetes Right is an awesome awareness campaign about T1 Diabetes on a Facebook page holding a group of T1 education posters that can be downloaded and posted….well…..everywhere.  If you do not know about it, you should go and join the over 8,000 others who like it […]