
Flu/Virus-like Symptoms do not Just Mask the diagnosis of DKA/T1D—-THEY ARE SYMPTOMS.

    I need to rethink how I am going about the warning signs of DKA.  I was out with a dear friend, an attorney and mom to 3 children with T1D as well as a husband with T1D, when Danielle states, “You know, signs of flu/virus-like symptoms do not mask DKA…….they ARE signs of DKA.” And I […]


A Hell of a Captain, on a Hell of A Ship—-A Lesson for All of Us—-Even When Not at Sea!!!!

I love it when people are REALLY GOOD at something.  I like to watch and see how they do what they do.  I love to ask questions and find out how they became so good at what they do.  Over the years I have met some really cool people who are the best at what […]


Is Dispensing Insulin, and Your Child’s Meals, Still a Race Anymore?

There was a time we would give an insulin shot a little bit of time before my daughter ate.  The meal would be given and the insulin would impact the body ‘at the perfect time’ to counter the carbs she was about to eat.  Ideally. Sometimes it was a race to the finish line (yes […]


Are You Helping YOUR Doc???….TV’s Sandra Oh and Jim Turner Help us Take a Look.

When is the last time you took your child with diabetes to your doctor?  If, like most of us, it is usually 4 times a year;  are you helping your doctor, in any way, care for your child?  You should. When discussing a visit to the Doctor’s office, and this may seem elementary, but you would […]


Has Modern Technology Made ‘Diabetes Police’ Parents….uhm….Diabetes CIA? Want your Input?

There is a dilemma we face that could use the help of…….well……someone….perhaps you.  With ‘diabetes technology’ at an all time high (pun intended), there are increasing numbers of ways that we as parents can stay in touch with our children to keep an eye on their blood sugar via the cloud, cell phones etc etc to make […]


What State DO You Live???……We Need Your Help!!!!!

We are looking for crucial data on DKA.  PLEASE share this link in any group where there are moms (and dads) of kids with T1 Diabetes.  Local Chapters, Support groups, hospital groups, as well as FB pages and other diabetes gatherings.  It is crucial that we get a good amount of participants from every state. Please […]