
Wake Us Up Damnit!!!!! Nitetime Lows???? Warn Us!!!!

I was asked to rerun this column and respectfully I post it again. Okay—here is the idea.  While we wait for so many things from a cure to better tools for management like a bionic/artificial pancreas; here is my idea. Knowing one of the BIGGEST fears for parents is losing our child(ren) (or loved one […]


The Final Text Message Before Death at the Wheel……Share with Your Kids.

Many different news sources are running the story about Alexander Heit, a University of Northern Colorado Student who was driving and texting and in the middle of the text message, I have posted here, he swerved into oncoming traffic, jerked his wheel back and rolled his car; he died a short time later. My own daughter, Kaitlyn, was […]


Our Fragile Homes…….PLEASE Take the Time to Enjoy. A Moment Can Change Everything!!!

Being on the road as much as I am; I always enjoy the first morning I am back home.  As I poured my coffee this morning I thought to myself, “Ahhhh, this is nice.”  I love the amount of energy I put in which truly is nonstop.  To make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes and to […]


Mother Sentenced to 16 Years for Death of her T1 Daughter; Neglect……What Are Your Thoughts?

She was nine years old when she died.  Did we, perhaps, light blue candles back when we heard?  As months and years went on, the story unraveled.  The incredible horror of life was told, and the results were as baffling as they were horrendous.  How?  Why?  Who stood by and only watched.  In this day; in this […]


It Happened Again……..DAMN-IT……This MUST STOP….Do something!

Again.  It happened yet again. I am beside myself with complete rage and I apologize if my title annoyed or offended you.  I AM JUST SO ANGRY. Mom takes her child to the Doctor with flu-like symptoms. The doctor advises that the flu has been going around and her child must deal with it.  Five days of hell […]


A Blue Flame that Should Never Be Lit……Your Input is Requested to Extinguish it.

I had just read about a 7-year-old child that was diagnosed with diabetes upon their death.  I was livid.  This just seems so unacceptable to me.  My experiences from hearing prior stories go something like this: flu-like symptoms take place, it gets worse, trip after trip happens to medical offices/hospitals, no one can figure exact […]