
Building an Empire for Our Children with Diabetes…..They Don’t Need to, but they Surely Do!!!!!!!

I have said it before; I have to do what I do.  It’s a promise I MADE to my daughter and again, to my son.  You probably made the same promise. Last week, I attended a dinner.  Well not ‘just any dinner’ but the annual Empire Ball in New York City benefitting the Diabetes Research […]


The Time To be Taught IS NOT when a Blue Candle is Lit

I thought long and hard before I starting writing this column.  I decided to write it for a few reasons.  The first and foremost was/is that I am, or was, as guilty of the subject matter as anybody.  I have written quite a few NEWSBREAKS dealing with the death of a child in the diabetes community.  […]


NEWSBREAK: A Toddler Dies (T1?), a Mother Speaks; A News Story Just Wrong?

There is so much wrong with this story that I’m shaking as I write it.  Be warned—-this is a very sad story.  Shaking with anger; shaking with the fact that once again here we are with yet another child dying, at 20 months of age, and by all accounts it may very well be from type 1 diabetes […]


BLOG WEEK ENTRY 1: A Child’s Death…….Why Didn’t You Listen?

The following is a letter to a doctor from a mom of a child who died… is in recognition of Blog Week and today’s topic of “Our medical team will be reading today’s blog, what would you say.”  This is a fictitious letter and not based on a specific true story (exactly) but it is based […]


Others Do Not Go Through What We Do…..FEEL FREE to pass this on.

I saw a post on-line today that I thought I would address.   A mom wrote that she attended a Thanksgiving Day event at school and as much as the event was a lovely event she could not help but feel a bit sad as the others in the room certainly did not have a care in […]