

Jessica Collins writes a blog called “Me and D” and it is always a great read.  She calls it like she, not only sees it but, lives it. She lives by a mantra that should be cut out and posted above everyone’s bedpost–having diabetes or not. She writes: The biggest accomplishment for all of us living […]


NEWS BREAK: It Happened Again…….Get OUT, Your Child has Diabetes. ENOUGH!!!!!

Look–this is starting to get on my nerves.  In fact I am starting to really get pissed off.  A lawsuit was just filed, by a single mom, in Cape Corla Florida that a child was discriminated against as “…..alleging the city discriminated against her daughter by not allowing employees at its after-school and summer programs to administer […]


Diabetes Should Not Even Entered the Argument…..Something YOU SHOULD Know About.

Many times I have stated that any one person can make a difference if they choose to make a difference.  If you have not been following what has been happening in California, you should find out. Yesterday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the American Nurses Association (ANA) v. Tom Torlakson as Superintendent of […]


Summer. A Choice That is All Yours? What Choice Will You Make?????

Well……..Memorial Day Weekend is behind us and that means it’s time for summer.  There is something about summer, isn’t there?  Walks on the beaches with friends, jumping into pools with your clothes on,  b-b-q’s, picnics, baseball games, pools, beaches, fishing, kickball games, amusement parks, fun-fun-fun in the summer sun. I remember my summers growing up.  […]