
A Controversy Over a Defiant Little Girl……..Why? The Diabetes Community Surely Understands.

I was in lower Manhattan this week for a DRI Event (which was wonderful) and across from the front entrance were two famous artworks that have become the fodder for many who like to create, said, fodder.  “Charging Bull” has enjoyed the spot for some time since 1987 when Arthur DiModica dropped (literally) it off in […]


This is Really Cool…FRIDAY is Superhero Day…SHARE SHARE SHARE

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m more interested in battling diabetes, and NOT battling each other.  It’s why on many occasions I’m more than happy to share something merely because……well…’s cool; no matter who the person, organization, and/or entity is who came up with the idea.  If it’s cool…….share it. Today, my wonderful and […]


A Loss of a Daughter—-One Man Teaches Us that a Broken Heart is NO Reason to Stop

Stacy Joy Goodman passed away in her sleep last night. Those were the words as they were relayed to me 23 years ago, this date, and it still shakes me to this day. The world outside of diabetes, was not too unlike it is today. Nelson Mandela became inaugurated, a President visited other countries, the NY […]


No One Wins if No One Plays……Where Are YOU?

I had the opportunity, recently, to be in Washington DC.  I love Washington DC and it is one of the most exciting places on earth.  So much happens there and whether you love or hate whoever is in office does not change the fact how much occurs on any given day. While I was there […]


Stop Screaming at Yourself Over an A1C

Someday it will dawn on people, and I’m not sure when or how, that the blood glucose numbers one deals with are not numbers of judgment and if you allow them to be….well then you will have to deal with them. “OMG….what a horrible number.” “How did I let that A1C get so high…what kind […]


NEWSBREAK: CBS This Morning Reports on Insulin Costs, The Players, and the Lawsuit

As I wrote/reported recently on the story in Diabetes Daily, there is a lawsuit pending against the insulin companies regarding collusion on insulin pricing of late; and I also have stressed on how all parties need to react and must come together (read it here).  Today, on CBS This Morning, they report the story in […]