
Goodbye November……Hello………Life.

Today we bid adieu to Diabetes Awareness Month.  This is the 25th time for one, and the 8th time for the second; that I have said goodbye to this month of diabetes awareness.  In fact I’m quite sure that when we started this journey, there was no such designation. It makes no difference. Because December […]


Your Child can Receive a Personal Letter from Santa—-6th Annual Tradition Continues!

SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 6th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa (cute video—click picture)  Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To […]


Yeah, But….But…They’re on Immunosuppression…..Let’s Just Take a Look….

When it comes to research, there are so many occurrences simultaneously that it’s very difficult, at times, to keep one’s hand on the pulse of so much activity. When it comes to the notion of research in our diabetes world, there is something I have noticed that I want to address. It’s this notion of […]


A Line from an Award Winning Play…….Describes Life.

“Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?”   One of my favorite plays to both read and to have performed is Thornton WiIder’s Our Town.  Pictured above from over 35 years ago, this one line still resonates with me so many years after I played George, in a truly wonderful production.  How […]


Please DEAR GOD, What Will it Take……UK Tribunal Hears of Death Due to Missed DX T1D.

I AM SO ANGRY.  She is gone.  It happened in 2012.  Now a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester, UK, is hearing the case to see what can be done about it.  Claire Taylor was a talented dancer and baker who wanted a career as a dietitian as her older brother Andrew had Type 1 […]


Impossible………Really Means “I’m-Possible”…….to Make a Difference.

I’m always touched by the strength of families who do so much to make “Hope” a reality.  The biggest hope I will always have is for a cure for this disease.  I know, I know, I KNOW so many say that they are tired of hearing about a cure.  It has been promised so long.  […]