
Take 2: Be Aware that it MAY NOT Be Diabetes Related

When your child is diagnosed with diabetes, it seems as if the world becomes a bit unraveled.  There is certainly much that happens and can happen after diagnosis but it is important to remember that just because diabetes is in your life, it does not mean that life will leave you alone and diabetes will be […]


“Stupid is as Stupid Does” or the Family and Your Child’s Diabetes.

  When I say family, I mean relatives and friends that you encounter on some sort of frequency even if it is just 3 or 4 times a year.  Those people with whom you come in into contact that STILL-TO-THIS day do not “GET” this diabetes thing.  And if this has nothing to do with […]


An Incredible 8th Grader+Kerri Sparling+Sir Frederick Banting=WOW!

I Have always found that the most incredible things happen right in our own back yard.  The portrait above was made by 8th grader, Talia.  Diagnosed in 2009, Talia has always been grateful to Sir Frederick Banting for his discovery of insulin. Her admiration of his work is why she drew the picture of him…..but […]


Are You the Color in this World????? Your Choice!!!!

A relative died this week.  Approaching the funeral home, I entered the room and there in the middle of the room was beautiful urn containing the ashes, surrounded by flowers.  A life, gone. I am not here to write about this person but as I looked at the urn I thought of the life lived.  […]


Let us know about YOUR HERO…..and HELP Others!!!!!!

No they do not all have capes and sometimes they are right in our own backyard.  I have seen request after request after request about parents wanting the names of celebrities who have T1 so their newly diagnosed child can be inspired.  I say—THEY CAN BE JUST as inspired by seeing kids THEIR OWN AGE doing […]


The POWER isn’t how People Die from T1……It’s in How People Live.

I want to establish from the onset, that this article is about what I feel.  I do not know if it is the norm, I do not know if it is correct, but what I do know; it is how I feel.  Kindly feel free to add to the discussion with what you feel. I have […]