As I wrote/reported recently on the story in Diabetes Daily, there is a lawsuit pending against the insulin companies regarding collusion on insulin pricing of late; and I also have stressed on how all parties need to react and must come together (read it here). Today, on CBS This Morning, they report the story in […]
Tag: diabetes change
Exactly one year from today I will do something and it will be the only time I will ever do it in my life. I will walk my daughter to the front of where those closest to us will have gathered and I will shake a young man’s hand, and I will put her arm […]
Don’t Let Diabetes WAG You!
Many times I am asked, “What’s the best way to handle this disease?” Now many people will tell you that there is no wrong way or right way, but I disagree. Sometimes I turn my head and cringe when I read things because I really do not engage in FB banter……about anything. There seems to be, […]
There comes a time when one just cannot take it anymore. The struggle to figure out which way the world is front, and which is back. So many people stating which is the right way, which is the wrong way, and of course a whole bunch of people not talking at all. I’m talking, of course, […]
I won’t even try to re-report this story—-go to my colleagues’ story at Diabetes Daily and read all about it: I am a DiabetesDad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’
I received my mortgage bill recently from my bank. There was an error in my amount of taxes. So I called my municipal tax assessor’s office to confirm the error and they agreed. I called my bank and informed them, they started a report (they always ‘start’ a report) and said they would look […]