It seems to be, reading the posts all over social media, that a young lady, another one too young, has passed away. From what I am reading, it seems there was a ‘kink’ in her pump tubing and insulin was being denied entry into the body. Her blood sugar rose, she entered DKA and at […]
Tag: diabetes change
Goodbye November……Hello………Life.
Today we bid adieu to Diabetes Awareness Month. This is the 25th time for one, and the 8th time for the second; that I have said goodbye to this month of diabetes awareness. In fact I’m quite sure that when we started this journey, there was no such designation. It makes no difference. Because December […]
SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday 6th Annual fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation NOTE: Your child does not have to have diabetes to receive a letter from Santa (cute video—click picture) Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, and Max, and Willie…), there is a Santa Claus. To […]
It’s Cyber-Monday. Now I know that you can get a million sales out there but here is one sale you might want to consider…..for yourself. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of subscription meals. That is, you pay a price and meals come to your house that are touted as both, tasting […]
Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving……one of my favorite holidays. Clearly one of the most famous parades in the world will begin their march from uptown to downtown delighting the faces of millions of children and even a few adults at the same time. For years I had the honor and the privilege to having but one […]
Santa needs helpers this year. Within the next few days, a Santa letter writing campaign will be announced by the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation. People request letters, PERSONAL letters, from Santa to their child. Perhaps Santa will mention what they want for Christmas, or the name of their pet, or even that a child is […]