
Should One Jump Into Using New Diabetes Tools

I spend a great deal of time getting in and out of machinery that when, or should, they malfunction the results are usually disastrous.  But still, it’s not uncommon to see me getting in or out of an automobile or doing the same with an airplane.  I’m a guy who plays averages and I figure […]



Recently I had knee surgery, I will have more upcoming and at the end of the day, and rehab, it will be a very good thing.  As I spoke to my Doctor on my follow-up visit he said something which has resonated in my mind since he said it. He said that they had cleaned […]


A Defining Moment……..Can Happen at any Time

Have you ever had a defining moment in your life?  Something happened and at that instant you knew that things would never be the same.  Tragedy, or the diagnosis of a loved one with something that will change ones life forever comes to mind pretty quickly I’m sure.  But when not a tragedy but, rather, […]


Transparency, No Matter What is Announced, That’s All Folks

Lilly Announced in a press release that they were reducing the cost of Humolog Insulin by half, bringing the vial cost to $137.35.  You can read the release here.  Needless to say, the social media world erupted with everything from praise to disdain at the news.  Me, well quite honestly, it left me scratching my head […]


Gosh, They Know so Much More than Me….uhm….Maybe Not

My heavens I wish I knew what they knew.  Have you ever found yourself saying that to yourself when you’ve seen the conversations occurring on-line?  You know, that intimidation when someone says something and you know that you believe the direct opposite on what is being said but heaven forbid you should say anything because […]


Keep on Swimming….I’m Asking :)

We ‘gotta keep on swimming’.  Ahhhh those famous words from Dory in the finding Nemo movie has so much for us to learn, don’t they?  Today I’m here to ask a favor so feel free to bail now if you are so inclined.  🙂 I believe there are many GREAT diabetes organizations out there and […]