
Where is a %$@#+*&% Meter, THAT WORKS, in this House.

So how any meters do you have.  The other day, I wanted to check my blood sugar (SIDENOTE: I was fine).  So I knew this would be no problem because we have meters, right?  I mean LOTS OF meters all over the house. Ten? Twelve?  Probably more.   You have them all over, right? I could […]


A DiabetesDad Bad Day PART II :) A Thank YOU!!!!!

WOW. That is my reaction.  Just WOW. I share many things on this page.  Yesterday, in the morning, I was not having a good day.  As I went through what I was feeling, I realized that it’s on a rare occasion that I share the bad times.  They DO NOT happen often but I would be […]


A DiabetesDad Bad Day. :(

I’m not feeling very positive today. I’m the one who always touts how we can live and should live a positive life.  And I do; well mostly.   But at this time, at this moment, I do not.  I share much with you and at this time when I feel just how much I cannot stand this […]


Is it MY FAULT My Child has Diabetes??????

It’s my fault! If it were not for my side of the family, my child would not have diabetes.  Sound familiar?  I’m amazed how many parents actually walk down this roadway.  I walked down this roadway.  I have looked in the mirror, thinking what auto-immune disease is/was on my side of the family and said, […]


Don’t You Just LOVE All the Graduation Pictures?????

Am I the only one who feels this way? There has been a ton of graduation pictures this year. Everyday, even many times throughout the day, someone else posts a picture or a selfie at a graduation ceremony. For me, I have this little piece in me that has incredible pride when I see these […]


Memorial Day—-A Reminder Worth Sharing

Probably three of the most important men in my life served in our military.  My dad and my father-in-law served in World War II, and my brother-in-law served in Viet Nam.  All three are gone now, and are laid to rest in a national cemetery on Long Island called Calverton.  They served our country and […]