
NEWSBREAK: Bullying Just WILL NOT Do…..DOC: Join Me In Showing Aaron He is a Hero

Aaron is my hero of the day because in a REALLY TOUGH situation, Aaron chose to move forward. Aaron has diabetes and is six years old.  Over the weekend Aaron was at a birthday party and some kids said some things that were not nice about Aaron’s insulin pump (REALLY not nice, his mom stated he […]


D-moms………..We Just Have No Clue!!!!! Thank You.

(Editor’s note: at 1:56 EST I licensed a different ‘supermom’ photo and posted it—the previous one belonged to Leighann Calentine and I apologize if I confused anyone; and also to Leighann–it was used in error. Posted is the new one.  Thank you.) TODAY’S POST BEGINS HERE: Now I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule that d-moms are […]


Think You Have it Tough????….Diabetes at Home; Spouse Serving in the MIlitary….Better Think Again!

I read something today that made my heart skip a little bit and it is worth mentioning.  It is worth us to take the time to remember.  It is worth it to take the time to say; hey….I KNOW EXACTLY what you’re going through with diabetes………but I have no idea what it is like while […]


A Crucial Issue That You Should Know About….Read, Share, and Follow THIS Issue.

Over the last few days I have been at the American Association of Diabetes Educators Conference in Philadelphia. I have been coming to this conference for years.  It is great to meet up with those who support the DRI in so many different ways and to meet colleagues who are deep into the fight for PWDs […]


Does Your Pharmacist Help You with your Diabetes Care? Should They Be Able To?

No question about it that the face of the diabetes landscape is changing everyday.  The diabetes health field is adding players and removing players with each yearly cycle.  Whether it be Obamacare or competitive bidding for diabetes supplies, the diabetes world of just a year ago, is different from today, which will change again in the […]


Are you a d-Dad (Psssssssst—d-Moms, show your husband Today’s Article)? A dad making a difference.

Are you a dad? There are many, many, d-moms out here but the simple truth is that for every child with diabetes, there is a dad. I have the honor to moderate the Dad’s discussion group at the Children with Diabetes conferences.  I cannot tell you how much Dads have to say, they do, and their […]