
“This is My Partner, GUILT—–It Goes Everywhere with Me!!!!!!!”

There seems to be so many things we feel guilty about when it comes to diabetes, isn’t there?  In addition to blaming ourselves for the very cause of diabetes, as if we are really to blame, I have witnessed a ton of self blaming that is about as counterproductive a process as I have ever witnessed. The biggest, […]


Do Children Dealing with Diabetes ‘Count’ for Wish Dreams????

There are quite a few organizations that offer that ‘dream of a lifetime’ to those who have ‘life threatening’ conditions, does your child, with diabetes fit into that category?  Someone wrote to me yesterday and stated that they felt they certainly should be allowed to apply, as diabetes has stopped them from many things.  What do […]


YUP!!!!!!! THAT Choice is all YOURS!!!!!!!

Ever notice that there are some people who seem to have gravitated to the act that diabetes is in their life but it does not run/ruin (the only difference between run and ruin is “I”–think about it) their life?  When did that happen? These people usually have a very positive outlook and it seems that […]


Ever Heard this from a Relative: “Hey, Did You Know……..???”

Do you think that people who live with other diseases are approached by relatives and friends with what they read last night about the latest organic, drink, pill, fruit, root, and/or remedy that if taken will get rid of their disease. I never remember, when my dad was dealing with Alzheimer’s, that anyone had any […]


Take 2: Be Aware that it MAY NOT Be Diabetes Related

When your child is diagnosed with diabetes, it seems as if the world becomes a bit unraveled.  There is certainly much that happens and can happen after diagnosis but it is important to remember that just because diabetes is in your life, it does not mean that life will leave you alone and diabetes will be […]


“Stupid is as Stupid Does” or the Family and Your Child’s Diabetes.

  When I say family, I mean relatives and friends that you encounter on some sort of frequency even if it is just 3 or 4 times a year.  Those people with whom you come in into contact that STILL-TO-THIS day do not “GET” this diabetes thing.  And if this has nothing to do with […]