
How Smart are You???????

This weekend had me at the Children with Diabetes’ Focus on Technology in Crystal City Virginia or right next to Washington D.C.   In as much as i so enjoy speaking to these great people. I’m also always there to learn as well.  You can never have too much knowledge when it comes to diabetes, and I have […]


What Do You Know and Use Everyday? Share with Us.

As I read responses to yesterday’s article, and  the so many traits that people have leaned upon to ‘get them through’ the new normal, I realized that my two emotional aspects of laughter and music has served us well, but there is another approach needing discussing and that is ‘the practical’ aspects.   Jill is without-a-doubt […]


One Thing Tips the Entire Scale…..Don’t you agree?

Recently we were having a discussion in our house about all of our definition of a cure.  In the midst of the discussion, Kaitlyn stated that she has had diabetes for so long (20 of 22 years) that she would find it odd not to have it. Now this may surprise you, but that got me […]


“D” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

I wrote this a few years ago for my column on dLife….here it is slightly updated. Apologies still to Clement Moore, the original author—Merry Christmas  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with  prayer, In hopes that Santa […]


In NYC for 12-12-12……But Not for a Concert……For a Cure!

12-12-12 in New York City.  At a concert?   Nope.  I found it interesting that just a few blocks away from probably the biggest concert since “We Are the World” joined together to create an album, there was a huge gathering of people together for you (if you have diabetes) and your children (if they have […]


Yes Virginia, There Will be a Cure! A Take on a Classic Tale for a Diabetes Cure.

In answer to all of the postings I have recently seen from children asking Santa for a cure, today, with apologies to The New York Sun, I dust off an old article I did for dLife and respond to a letter from a young lady who asked a simple question during this holiday season. Her […]