
Tears in Heaven….a Lesson to Learn.

A colleague of mine, well she is as much a friend as a colleague, sent me an incredible video last night.  She had the wonderful opportunity to see Eric Clapton in concert at an 8000 seat arena.  She took a video of a portion of the concert and shared it with me. Truthfully, one would think […]


Easter Bunny and Diabetes…..Please Share Your Ideas!!!!!!

For the last-minute buyers of baskets and goodies for Easter…..what do you give at Easter for both basket surprises and for dinner? Let us know any tips, ideas, or possible even customs that have evolved because of diabetes?   Many people could benefit….so hop to it and please share. I am a diabetes dad. Please hop to my Diabetes […]


A Fast Approaching Cliff……..Who Will Take Care of Them??????

In each household there is the one person who completely understands the warning signs of a ‘low’ or a ‘high’ blood sugar other than the person who has diabetes (and sometimes, rarely as far as I’m aware, there are more than one).   I surely hope there is at least one. Make no mistake about it; in our household […]


Mother Sentenced to 16 Years for Death of her T1 Daughter; Neglect……What Are Your Thoughts?

She was nine years old when she died.  Did we, perhaps, light blue candles back when we heard?  As months and years went on, the story unraveled.  The incredible horror of life was told, and the results were as baffling as they were horrendous.  How?  Why?  Who stood by and only watched.  In this day; in this […]


Crossroad: It Starts Today….You make the call.

There was a family I knew growing up.   Three boys until they finally had the girl they wanted.  They were a regular family, like any other regular family; whatever that may mean.  I’m constantly amazed at people who, after their child is diagnosed with diabetes (or with anything for that matter), think the world has […]


ABC World News Story on Diabulimia….a Taboo Subject Rarely Ever Touched.

To be very honest, I know little about this aspect of diabetes.  But when I saw it as the top story in Yahoo news I felt compelled to share it with you all. I have a few problems with not only parts of the article, but some of the accompanying videos that surround it.  I will […]