
Diabetes; Our Kids Normal????…..What is Normal???

It may seem, when new in this community, that it I shard to understand what normal is……do you ever feel that way?  We want our kids to be normal, act normal, do normal things……but they have to carry diabetes supplies, stop and test their blood sugar, watch what they eat….etc etc. Do you know who […]


PART II: Your Baby Has Diabetes…….Looking Back is Good to Do……But…..

As a follow-up to my last article……it’s time to look back.  Whether you have been at this ‘diabetes thing’ for one week, one month, two years, or two decades; it is important to realize how far y you have come since you first heard the words; “….we are done testing, your child has type 1 […]


Your Baby has T1 Diabetes……..I have Stood Where You Have Stood.

I have stood where you stood. It’s late at night, or early morning depending how you look at it, the clock chimes 3:00 am, the blood sugar just will not rise.  An hour after what you think is an endless supply of juice boxes and other ‘stuff’, the glucometer says 52; you cry. I have […]



FOR THE RECORD: I do not want to play sugar_______ anything on FB, so don’t ask. I do not want to play candy crush either, thank you. I do not want to meet you in any fictitious games. I don’t care who I was in 200 A.D. I don’t care what movie I am (what […]


AP/Bionic Pancreas or a Cure????? Whoever said it was an ‘OR’???

I have always found it very interesting listening or reading the discussions regarding research and regarding management tools.  Somewhere, somehow, the word got out there that some things are an ‘either’/’or’ decision. Are they? If it is all the same to anyone else, I am waiting and holding my breath for the AP and/or bionic […]


When a Little Girl has Something to say to Her Daddy

She does not look like that anymore.  she is much older.  At twenty-four, actually, a woman now.  But in a father’s eyes, when his daughter (especially if it is his only daughter) asks him something, says something, does something; the glasses that no one sees are the glasses he sees through and it is the […]