
A Mom’s Diaversary Tribute to Her Son…….May We All Be So Fortunate.

This is an incredible tribute from a mom to her son who has lived with diabetes for 12 years.  Stacey Nagel is about as much a shoot-from-the-hip person as you will ever meet.  She is as strong as she is in her honest approach to everything.  She lost her house in Super Storm Sandy, she […]


Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero—-a Young Man Who is Focused on Helping Others.

  The first thing that strikes you about this incredible young man, when you meet him, is his friendly smile and laid back attitude.  He has a kind word for you and will always ask how you, or a member of your family, are doing.  He is Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero not just because of the […]