
A Mom Writes to Her Parents. Grand Parents; THE MOST Forgotten of All!!!!!!

I received this letter recently that was written over a year ago.  “Di’ shared it with me about two weeks ago.  Read it, it says it all. Dear Mom and Dad, I saw the look in your eyes today. I’m sorry that I did not have as much time as I would have liked to spend […]


When Does the Pain Stop?

The sun is shining today…….and you are here, and that is a very good thing. Aside from the silliness of the world ending I have come to realize a little more thoughtfully that more and more life can be so very cruel.  Very.  We surely have learned that in the last two weeks haven’t we? Earlier […]


Newtown, Ct. Tragedy: We, at Least, have Somewhere to Turn.

What do we do now? Anger.  Much anger.  Debate.  Much debate. In the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy I find myself reading many, many posts.  Mental illness, gun control, school safety.   What do we do now? I’m not someone who would even think of myself as a professional or an expert but it seems to […]


Do Our Kids Look Upon Themselves….as Damaged?….Again Seeking Input.

Last night I saw the movie, Love and Other Drugs.  Before you start your car to run to the Redbox outside your local 7-11 or quickly download from Netflix, you need to know that this is a real, raw film.  And you may want to see it before sharing with your older teens due to […]