
Make No Mistake Moms and Dads, It’s Your Graduation and/or Awards Day Too!

Congratulations, milestone reached. I always love this time of year as people post all of the great accomplishments that their child achieved.  Graduating High School, Graduating College, and whatever they call, these days, cap and gowns for kindergarten and/or middle school.  Step up–graduation?…..whatever…..your child is moving on in life. Wonderful news. Silently, I have always […]


School’s Open…….If One Roars ALL THE TIME…..It Won’t be Heard.

We took every precaution there was.  We read-up on what every parent suggested.  We had back-ups of back-ups.  We met with the nurse.  The kids were all getting a letter home in her K class so everyone was on the same page.  Our 504 plan was in place.  Jill had quit work so she was […]


It’s Here. Take the Time to Enjoy What You Do.

School. I just love seeing all of the pictures posted of kids at their first day fo school.  There is a ‘newness’ to it, isn’t there? The year begins full of hope and we, as parents, are ever watchful to notice that indeed our children are growing up.  And that is a fabulous thing. With […]


No More 504 Plans

I bet you really wish you could say that, don’t you? Imagine a life with no more 504 plans. (for those who are not aware, a 504 plan is a plan created in cooperation with the public school systems in the United States ensuring that our kids with diabetes are ‘looked-after’ in the appropriate manner—a very simplistic definition […]


Our Final High School 504…….Maybe I’ll Get it Right.

Well, it’s finally here.  Jill said to me a few nights ago, “Let me know your schedule, the school wants to meet about Rob’s 504 plan.” I said okay and of course, two days have gone by and I have yet to give her dates I am available (as I state, when it comes to […]