
Someone is Sitting, Alone in Their Room; Thinking. DO NOT FORGET Them.

What do the siblings think? Do they hurt for their brother or sister?  Do they care?  Do they not deal with the diagnosis of diabetes?  We make so much of what happens in when a child is diagnosed.  It changes our lives.  It turns a household upside down.  But alone, in the corner of their room; […]


Happy Siblings Day……How Important are the Ones in Your New Normal?

Did you know yesterday was ‘Siblings Day’.  I didn’t.  It is not National Siblings Day because it would need a presidential order for that and thus far only 41 state’s governors have recognized it.  But it is the goal of the organization to obtain all 50 and 3 more are pending according to their website at […]


Diabetesdad says His Yearly “Good-bye” to 2012 in his Own Unique Style

Enjoy my annual year-end column to 2012 by clicking the link below


Brothers and Sisters…..Don’t Forget Them.

Each and every year we read about all of the different days that are or should be attached to diabetes.  you know them and if I list them, I’ll forget one.  They all have a purpose. Won’t you agree that there is a group of kids who are amazing when it comes to diabetes and […]


Siblings—DO they Really Understand? A Story that Changed My Life.

Siblings.  No matter how hard the attempt, diabetes has always prevented us from giving the full amount of time needed to those who are the brother and sister of someone with diabetes.  Whatever the event, attention is drawn away.  And we tried pretty hard to find a balance.  But it seemed falling short indeed did […]