
Could Very Well Be The BEST Video You will Ever See…….Share It!!!!!!

A friend of mine sent this to me.  I could not speak for a good while after I saw it.  With so much ‘bad’ being shared about our youth, this one will open your eyes AND YOUR heart.  Without a doubt, one of the most powerful videos you will ever see. Watch it. Enjoy it. Share […]


Sunday dHero….Cancer Just Won’t Do!!!

His Godfather passed away last December after a lengthy battle with cancer.  Since the day he was diagnosed in 2009 with diabetes, he was witnessing the battles his Godfather faced everyday, different than his, a battle that would only prolong the inevitable. After he was diagnosed, at the age of 13, he had to battle within […]


Sunday dHero—This Story Will Truly Make You Shutter

My Sunday dHero is AJ and his is one of the most tragic and negative-turned-positve stories you will ever read.  My dear friend Moira wrote about it completely and I will not take it away from her.  I warn you; if you read this, your life will change.