
NEWSBREAK: Law Suit Against Top 3 Insulin Manufacturers

I won’t even try to re-report this story—-go to my colleagues’ story at Diabetes Daily and read all about it: I am a DiabetesDad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’    


What If Insulin Was Not Available at ALL??? To Some it’s a Harsh Reality.

In today’s climate where any opinion seems to be a wrong opinion……….to someone; would you like to do something to feel just a little better inside?  I think we all could say, “I wish I had a little more.”  “Life would just be a tad easier if…….”  I think we all have said that at some […]


OPINION: If All Do Not Sit at the Table, at the Same Time, NOTHING will Get Done.

I received my mortgage bill recently from my bank.  There was an error in my amount of taxes.   So I called my municipal tax assessor’s office to confirm the error and they agreed.  I called my bank and informed them, they started a report (they always ‘start’ a report) and said they would look […]


NEWSBREAK: No One was Better for Diabetes Causes than Mary….RIP

I wish I could say I was a friend of Mary Tyler Moore’s, she surely made you feel that way.  There was a time when she, or her beloved husband Robert, and I would pass and a ‘hello’ was stated.  We knew of each other in the same battle.  She wrote a wonderful inscription in her book […]


Are You Marching on Saturday???…Some Caution; I Care-Come Back Safely

I care about you and do not want you hurt in any way—-so I offer the following if you plan on utilizing your right to peaceful assembly this weekend–share with others. If you are marching on Saturday in Washington DC or in one of the other cities, I share this with you.  In addition to […]


NEWSBREAK: CMS Says Yes to the Dexcom……WOW!

In case you were distracted at the end of last week, a major development took place at CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) when the decision was made and the agency stated that the Dexcom G5 Mobile was now determined to be classified in a benefit category as therapeutic; thus allowing the agency to […]