There has been much discussion of late regarding insulin which is available at places like Walmart for a very reasonable expense. Some are saying/reporting that people died by going on that particular insulin which they were forced to do because of the cost of the insulin usually used has skyrocketed out of control. I’m not […]
Category: Uncategorized
I have always found some of the terminology used in our diabetes world a bit…….odd. How many of us have been in the company of strangers when our child, who is a good distance away, checks their blood sugar and shouts to us; “I’m high again!” Funny to watch the strangers hearing this and shaking […]
THE DDRC IS ACTIVATED—BELOW IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING DIABETES CARE PREPERATION BEFORE AND ACTION DURING THE INCOMING HURRICANE DORIAN STORM PREPARATION Resource Link: If you have diabetes and Hurricane #Dorian is heading your way, make an emergency diabetes kit. Download the DDRC Patient Preparedness Plan to learn what you need to manage your diabetes […]
If there is one thing I have noticed in life, it is that in death, we go it alone. Millionaire, pauper, movie star, criminal, politician, blue-collar worker, and everything in between. There will come a day we will all draw our last breath and everything we were in our lifetime will be left behind as […]
I’m not so sure if it is the social media being so readily available or if people just like to gripe more……..not exactly sure which it is. I read people who are so exhausted because they stayed up all night………….again with a child’s low blood sugar; I read people who are distraught because they hide […]
I have successfully landed in the land of physical therapy and am officially ‘post-op’. At an eventual time in the not too distant future, I will land on my feet again….hopefully better than new; or at least better than my pre-op status. I have learned that I’m not a good patient. I find it hard […]