With special apologies to Clement Moore. I present what has become an annual tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2018 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The meters, CGMs, and supplies were put away with such care, In hopes that Santa […]
Category: Uncategorized
November 14th, is World Diabetes Day. This date was chosen because it’s the birthday of Frederick Banting. Who chose this? I’m a huge fan of Hamilton, the Broadway Musical. In as great as the show is, I always found it interesting that Alexander Hamilton, a man who was not even president, became as popular as he did, and […]
As many of my readers know, I do not use these pages for advertising. If I find something that can help, solve a problem, and/or make diabetes life any easier, I share. To be clear: I have received no remuneration for this article, I’m sharing about this product because, quite frankly, it just does what […]
I was not going to have another dog. It just was not in the cards. When a new litter of Shih Tzus was born to a family member, we declined as we expected. Weeks went by and all the dogs were spoken for, but one. All the others that were claimed were brown, but his […]
As many of you know, I rarely utilize this column for anything more than the articles to hopefully teach and inspire, But there is this incredible opportunity given to the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation that I’m sure hoping you will join in and help. The Sola Sweet company, from now until the end of November […]
I saw a picture this week, a child in a hospital and the person who posted it wrote that this was their life with diabetes, that no one knew what they went through, and this is their world every day, all of the time. As I read this story, I felt bad for two reasons……the […]