Astounding. Mind-blowing. Revealing. Frustrating. We have some work to do. If ever I was reminded of that fact, it was last night. I belong to a small group in my hometown. We raise money for local causes surrounding diabetes needs. In the scheme of things it is significant enough to make a difference to those […]
Category: Uncategorized
I was asked by someone recently what a cure looks like to me? She writes, “Is the cure you visualize one without side effects, complications and risk. Does it restore normal beta cell function in some way? Does it involve an operation? Will they need any other medication? Will the cure last or will they […]
Welcome. Here is your ticket to enter a fabulous world. I am absolutely exhausted. I am absolutely exhilarated. I am absolutely thrilled. For the past few months, we Suffolk County LIONs Diabetes Education Foundation members have been working on a project to raise money to do what we do to help people with diabetes. Yesterday we […]
The Dream Must Stay Alive!!!
I received so many messages yesterday paying tribute to the Luries with news of Dame Carol Lurie’s death . She was truly, as I stated, a powerhouse. As I was driving yesterday I had an incredible sorrow in my heart. I AM sorry Carol is gone but my sorrow was that when she sat with Lee […]
When I was a staff person at what was then called the JDF (didn’t know that did you?) I was at a meeting and the woman at the microphone said with that incredible smile; “Lock the doors because no one is getting out until they commit to this.” That woman was Dame Carol Lurie. Last […]
I started crying in the car thinking about my birthday. I know it’s still two weeks away, but I never thought I’d live to see 40. I was sure I’d be dead by now, and I don’t know how I’m not, but here I am. Lee Ann Thill wrote this on her FB page this […]