
What is YOUR Spinach…….Help Advise Moms and Dads w/Newly Diagnosed.

Get away. Recently I wrote that we, as parents, do not know what it is like to have diabetes.  We care for, administer, sleep-walk, and do all sorts of things for our children with diabetes but we do not have it. So here is the question that can surely help others and I mean can […]


Do You See America…….Take the Time Today to Look.

 Today, in America, is Independence Day.  On this date America became the United States of America in 1776 (officially) and became a free and independent country. On September 11th, 2001 I spent 36 hours nonstop in lower Manhattan in a situation I could have never planned, and would never hope to see again.  As my parents […]


When it Rains….It Pours….Another Family Charged in Diabetes Neglect…WTF?????

I am so SORRY for being so blunt with my headline.  I cannot even comment nor write……read this article below. Read by clicking here. I am just so frazzled. I am just in so much disbelief. I am just so NOT understanding. I share with you, because that is what I do.  We all need to know….we all […]


Girl Who Died from Diabetes–Court Upholds Parents’ Conviction of Homicide!

Can anyone on this living earth shine a light to help me understand this type of behavior in any shape or form?   Anger just does not adequately describe my feelings on this at all!!!! Why did this beautiful young lady need to go through this????? This story comes from Madison, WI. A mother and father […]


Diabetes….as a Parent; Really……..I Have No Clue. I Cannot Fool Myself.

You know it is so unfair. I try to remind myself (very often) that in as much as I try to write about what it is like having diabetes in our home, I still do not know what it is like to have it inside me.  It breaks my heart when I read that one […]


Who is the Hero Brother or Sister in Your House?????

Hit reply on this post and tell us in one sentence why the sibling of your child with diabetes is a hero.  No voting on what is the best answer…..they ALL ARE THE BEST ANSWER. So here we go; tell us what makes your child with diabetes’ sister or brother so FABULOUS…….and they surely are. […]