
The Final Text Message Before Death at the Wheel……Share with Your Kids.

Many different news sources are running the story about Alexander Heit, a University of Northern Colorado Student who was driving and texting and in the middle of the text message, I have posted here, he swerved into oncoming traffic, jerked his wheel back and rolled his car; he died a short time later. My own daughter, Kaitlyn, was […]


Happy Siblings Day……How Important are the Ones in Your New Normal?

Did you know yesterday was ‘Siblings Day’.  I didn’t.  It is not National Siblings Day because it would need a presidential order for that and thus far only 41 state’s governors have recognized it.  But it is the goal of the organization to obtain all 50 and 3 more are pending according to their website at […]


Let’s Ask Some Companies to Fund Diabetes Research….Ready?????

How important is being deaf to you?  How important is the plight of those with down’s syndrome?  How important is the world of autism getting their fair share of philanthropic funds important to you? If I could tell you how many times people have said to me; “you need to get to XYZ company and […]


Our Fragile Homes…….PLEASE Take the Time to Enjoy. A Moment Can Change Everything!!!

Being on the road as much as I am; I always enjoy the first morning I am back home.  As I poured my coffee this morning I thought to myself, “Ahhhh, this is nice.”  I love the amount of energy I put in which truly is nonstop.  To make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes and to […]


Light……Gives off Light……and How Bright was the One We Experienced!!!!!!

The 60th CWD Conference was held and has ended.  Our hosts in Scotland were just wonderful.  People with diabetes, people with children who have diabetes, grand parents, mums. dads, siblings. and whole lot of great people doing what we do.  Trying to make a difference. The picture shown is what I received when I asked a […]


“Every Time I Hear the Music, I Just Have to Dance.” A Wonderful CWD Lesson for ALL of Us.

A Ceilidh, by definition, is a traditional Gaelic social gathering, which usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing and was started in Ireland and Scotland. It was probably made famous in the movie Titanic when Jack takes Rose to ‘his’ party in the deck below. It was the better party. CWD had their version last […]