
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #13 for D-Month. She said “Let’s Meet” in 1999 and Created the Largest Gathering of D-Families on Earth.

…and the answer is who is Laura Billetdeaux. In 1999 Laura contacted people online to say that she and her family would be traveling to Florida and if they wanted to meet, they could discuss family dynamic dealing with diabetes.  Laura, who has a son with diabetes, thought that only good could come out of this gathering […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #7 for D-Awareness Month: He Flipped a Switch and LITERALLY Changed the World.

…….who is Jeff Hitchcock. In all of my travels, and out all of the people I have met in my lifetime; in my mind one man stands alone and apart from all of the rest as having impacted the lives of families dealing with diabetes the most. He is a writer, a lecturer, humanitarian, creator, […]


You Look Like You Need to Smile Today…..Read These True Funny Diabetes Tidbits.

Today I woke-up and saw that it was raining.  Rainy days and Mondays always get me down (sounds like that could be a song….oh wait… is!).  So in the spirit of NOT LETTING a rainy monday get us down; I went to the Children with Diabetes humorous tidbit site and took some funny stories to put […]


Sometimes a Princess (or Prince) is Right Next to Us.

I know some very special people. I hate diabetes and everything about it. The journey, though, has allowed us the honor to have crossed paths with some of the most incredible people in the world.  People who care.  People who give.  And quite frankly, people who love. These people understand diabetes.  Some volunteer their time.  […]


Our Children Need the Sign to Guide Them Home……Will You Give it To Them?

The picture s a Swan.  It is a cute ‘thing’, Maria and the others in the housekeeping staff, make with a towel here in Disney, where I am for the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life Conference.    The creation will usually find their way into the window, or it could be a favorite stuffed animal, or even a […]


Diabetes Baseball

It was 1999. I had been active on the CWD chatrooms for a while.  It was a great way to obtain information.  During that time, back when, chats were more like a thread of sentences than anything else.  One person would write something and someone else would add to it, and the conversation would grow. […]