
It May Not Seem So, But it was a BIG DEAL.

There are moments. Moments that will leave a mark on your brain, your heart, and your soul.  Usually it is a major occurrence but I have also always been a master at remembering the little things that have happened in my life, but little compared to the world’s standards, not mine; but they hugely impacted my […]


School’s Open, Drive Carefully Indeed

 In the majority of this country kids have started school.  Hundreds of times I have seen the photo dreaded by every kid holding a sign with the year they are in and the grade they are in…….they’ll survive; and their future spouse will thank us all 20 years or so from now.  The pictures are fabulous. Today […]


Seriously???? Another Couple Charged in a Diabetes Death for Religious Reasons……But this Time I wanted to Know More.

Last Thursday,  a couple was arrested in Oregon and charged with first and second degree manslaughter in the death of their daughter who died in February.   It appears to be that their daughter died from untreated T1 diabetes. This has happened before and I am sure it will happen again.  In as much as we […]


Happy Labor Day—How a “Single-Minded-Focus-for-a-Cure” Building Came to Be.

I have never looked at Labor Day as the end of something.   I have always looked at it as the beginning.  perhaps when I was a younger grammar-school child, I was not such a big fan but I really loved my high school and college years and Labor Day always meant those exciting days were around the […]


NEWSBREAK WARNING: Do not—DO NOT Let our Voices Go Unheard. Read, Act, and Share.

 Sometimes things are done that just leave me scratching my head.  Today is such a day.  The best part is that you can do something about it, and to be honest–this just makes no sense to me whatsoever. The FDA is planning a series of ‘patient meetings’ over the next five years to better understand […]


What a First Year!

Wow, that went fast. Today begins my second year and it is hard to believe that it was just one year ago I hit the ‘publish’ button and my first daily writing was posted.  A whole year.  I have written columns for years at dLife, but a year ago started my daily writings and it has been […]