
They Lost their Sons to T1D…….What they are Doing Tomorrow Will Drop You to Your Knees.

Have you ever stopped and actually tried to figure out how we do exactly what we do every day when dealing with our child’s diabetes?  I mean, imagine yourself before diagnosis; did you ever think you would be doing what you are doing today?  When the doctor ran down the list of all diabetes management […]


There is Just Something About the Number 11…….Sigh…..I Was There.

Every time I see an ’11’ I cannot help but think of the two towers in lower Manhattan.  When it has a ‘September’ before it, it brings me back to a time of not only incredible pain but also incredible human spirit.  That day, was today. I was there. I have often said that I […]


OMG!!!! What Did I Do To My Child??? What a Horrible Parent!!!!

If you work with your hands long enough, you become calloused.  If you have 3 kids, chances are when the first one dropped their binky, pacify, woot-woot from their mouth and it hit the floor; you cleaned it, sterilized it, got it cool again and gave it back to your child—when the third child dropped […]


We ‘Need’……REALLY????…….uhm……Come Back from Over the Rainbow

I have heard this statement a million times.  “We need…..”  In reference to the diabetes community; we need a really good spokesperson; we need an ice bucket-type challenge, and other things…we need…we need….we need……….uhm……..not really. We need to pull the weight ourselves……..all of us. Mary Tyler Moore has given tirelessly of her entire career to the […]


NEED YOUR HELP TODAY………Summer Camps???…..Help Others…..What Do You Know?

Okay, I need your help.  Because I do not know from personal experience; I seek your input today.  It is May 2nd and families are getting ready to send their child(ren) to camp.  Our kids did not attend summer camp, or by time Kaitlyn did–she did as a counselor–but it surely is a topic THAT […]


$116,000,000,000 You Pay….What Comes Back?

The American Diabetes Association estimates that when it comes to diabetes 116 billion dollars (with a “b”) is spent on everything out of lost time which is an additional 58 billion dollars. I believe there will be a solid advantage to the pharma world that is aligned with the place and/or organization that takes us closer to a […]