
Do Not Let the “FIRSTS” Be Diminished by Diabetes.

I went to get a haircut this week.  As I sat and waited for Peter, my barber, there was a father and young man getting what was clearly is first haircut.  The barber, ever the master, was clearly not giving his first ‘first’ haircut.  The mom was snapping away as the boy sat in his […]


The Loss of a Giant in Wisdom, Humility, and Balance….A Remembrance.

I write in this space.  I share.  I try to relay to you my emotion and excitement about things that excite me.  I write about people, every day people, who make a difference.  I write to you as I feel things and I inform you on things I learn.  Some things you may know already, […]


A Love, A Story, and Diabetes, Trust Me; You Will Want to Read and Share…….Enjoy.

I’m up in the air, on my way to many meetings in the upcoming few days.  I was up at 5:00 am today, said a prayer for my friend Laura who was running somewhere at about the same time, and headed to the airport. Now at 38,000 feet and there is really sweet woman next […]


Your Input Is Needed…..Live from the Red (er…I mean Blue) Carpet, It’s Diabetes Dad’s People Choice Awards.

LIVE from New York…..It’s the Diabetes Dad’s People’s Choice Awards.  Wouldn’t that be so cool.  As I watched the People’s Choice Awards over the weekend I had this crazy thought.   But before I share the thought it is important to know what award ceremonies are all about, and that is recognition.  Now of course that recognition could […]


Even with Diabetes…..It’s a Wonderful Life…..What are You Thankful for?

Because we are in the Holiday Season: The Scene: I’m laying in the snow and Clarence, my guardian angel, is talking to me. Clarence: Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. I wake up, I’m dazed.  Probably too much to drink.  I think I’m in a dream.  I know it surely […]


All I Can Say is………..Whew!!!!!!!!

Two weeks.  The most important lesson I have learned recently is that so much can happen in two weeks.  To the hundreds of people who wrote to me and wanted to know how we were doing I both; thank you for caring, and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I will not go […]