
A Blue Flame that Should Never Be Lit……Your Input is Requested to Extinguish it.

I had just read about a 7-year-old child that was diagnosed with diabetes upon their death.  I was livid.  This just seems so unacceptable to me.  My experiences from hearing prior stories go something like this: flu-like symptoms take place, it gets worse, trip after trip happens to medical offices/hospitals, no one can figure exact […]


An Opportunity Lost……Let’s All Learn from It!!!!!!

MY MY MY……one of my joys of being part of many aspects within our diabetes community, is that I receive and see notices from everyone.  Recently, different organizations touting the 2 much needed-to-be-funded-government  programs, the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research at NIH and the Special Diabetes Program for Indians at the Indian Health […]


Not a Clue… Much As I Would Like for it to be Different

Do you ever get overwhelmed?  Diabetes. Sometimes it just kicks us straight in the butt….doesn’t it? Just when we think we have everything under control ( a term in itself that never rings true), something undoubtedly happens that pulls us back to reality. This happen to me recently and when the episode was over I […]


Is it Really Just Another Tuesday to You???

The choice is yours.  Everyone likes a fresh start, a new beginning.  Each 365 days that come and go allows us to wake up on the morning of a new year, look in the mirror and decide. What will you decide. Will you handle your life in a defeatist, nothing will make a difference, the […]


Diabetesdad’s Most Fascinating Person of 2012……A Young Lady Who Inspires Everyone!

I have often stated that people can do anything they set their minds to; and a person having diabetes does not exclude that thought.  One only needs to dream. I stole the post below, ‘word for word’ from the young lady’s post.  Her name is Monica.  She is a typical college freshman who has diabetes.  What she […]


The Loss of a Child.

When you saw the headline….did you rush here?  Did you rush to see who is it this time that has passed away? Well this is only to remind us all that there are people in our DOC (Diabetes Online Community)–people we love—-who have a child or a loved one who has lost this battle. Believe […]