
NEWSBREAK: No One was Better for Diabetes Causes than Mary….RIP

I wish I could say I was a friend of Mary Tyler Moore’s, she surely made you feel that way.  There was a time when she, or her beloved husband Robert, and I would pass and a ‘hello’ was stated.  We knew of each other in the same battle.  She wrote a wonderful inscription in her book […]


We ‘Need’……REALLY????…….uhm……Come Back from Over the Rainbow

I have heard this statement a million times.  “We need…..”  In reference to the diabetes community; we need a really good spokesperson; we need an ice bucket-type challenge, and other things…we need…we need….we need……….uhm……..not really. We need to pull the weight ourselves……..all of us. Mary Tyler Moore has given tirelessly of her entire career to the […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #25 for D-Month: No one has Been a Better, or Longer Tenured Spokesperson for Diabetes, than this Woman who Turned the World On with Her Smile

…..and the answer is, who is Mary Tyler Moore. We can argue the point whether or not Ms. Moore is the greatest TV and/or Female TV personality of all time; but she stands alone when it comes to spokesperson in the world of diabetes.  I can tell you from meeting her many times and actually […]


A TV Icon, in Her Darkest Time…..Teaches Us All Lesson

I was, and still am a huge fan of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.  I honestly believe that I saw every episode at least 3 times among the original air dates (1970-1977), reruns, and you tube. Probably more than any other celebrity, Ms. Moore has made no secret of her T1 Diabetes and her devotion to […]


JDRF, and The World, Loses a POWERHOUSE. A Tribute.

When I was a staff person at what was then called the JDF (didn’t know that did you?) I was at a meeting and the woman at the microphone said with that incredible smile; “Lock the doors because no one is getting out until they commit to this.” That woman was Dame Carol Lurie.  Last […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever) Who Created THAT Walk?????

It was originally called the Walk for the Cure until a cancer fundraising organization sent a letter to change the name.   To the Foundation’s credit they thought changing the name was a better move than using donation money to fight the request resulting in what is now called the Walk to Cure Diabetes (a blessing in disguise).  In the early […]