
Death from Diabetes……A Small Glimmering Light has Arrived

By far, this is the hardest thing that I have been involved both in and with; on our diabetes journey and within our diabetes community.  It is hard.  It is sad.  It is reality.  And quite truthfully it just sucks. The number one thing that occurs when someone dies in our diabetes community, is the […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #8 for D-Awareness Month…..She Redefined #23…for Her Son.

…..who is Michelle Alswager One of the most incredible women I know in this diabetes battle is Michelle.  We, who complain, about what we go through daily are humbled by Michelle’s efforts because Michelle’s son lost his battle with diabetes.  Michelle is stead-fast in her belief that Jesse’s memory is worth her continuing the fight and […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever) ……Mile 23…Something Many Will Never Know

Today my Thanking Great Individuals Forever (T.G.I.F.) is being given to the efforts of a group of people albeit began by one. I originally was going to give this to a woman who made a new meaning of the words ‘MILE 23’, but I know she would say, “…… give it in memory to my son.”  More […]