
Diabetes…..Parenting? Is it Water and Oil?

Parents. That would be us.  Do you ever feel like there is ‘parenting’ and with that is also ‘parenting and diabetes’?  No one gave us a manual or a ‘how to’ book, for either.   But it just seems to be that there is a whole chapter (dare I say and entirely different book) when it comes to […]


What a Horrible Parent!!!!!!

I am such a horrible parent!!! Ever say that?  How could I have reacted in such a manner? When Kaitlyn was a little girl, I stated to Jill that I should correct (or lightly discipline) her in front of my son, T.J. so he did not think she was getting all the attention.  I waited for the right […]


Parents, Diabetes IS Not Yours, Give it Back.

It’s not my disease. Surely diabetes takes a toll on an entire family but I remember the story that friend shared years ago when our journey was just starting about whose disease it really belonged, and it was an important lesson I never forgot.  Let’s call her Kathy.  A woman around 38, a beautiful woman […]


Is your Child a Daily dHero?

Our Kids. Wow the things they do.  The things they put up with every day.  Whether they have diabetes or they do not have diabetes; the fact that diabetes is in our households makes them live each and every day in a way that no one will understand but us; their parents.  The new norm […]