
Celebrities Should Help with Diabetes Causes…….Uhm……They DO!!!!!!!

When people help us, it should never be forgotten.  I have often read comments from people in the diabetes community about how they wish people, celebrities, would do more to help.  The truth of the matter is that there are quite a few.  Of course we always believe that our diabetes concerns should be front and center […]


“Are You the Woman Who Fainted?”….an INCREDIBLE Read from the Woman Herself

I love this woman and the way she presents this story.  How one person can be so humble, confident, delightful, articulate, intelligent, humorous, shy, and mesmerizing all at once is beyond my comprehension.  I read, and hung on to, every word like it was an incredible novel.  It was such a wonderful feeling to know that the heroine […]


NEWS BREAK: It Happened Again…….Get OUT, Your Child has Diabetes. ENOUGH!!!!!

Look–this is starting to get on my nerves.  In fact I am starting to really get pissed off.  A lawsuit was just filed, by a single mom, in Cape Corla Florida that a child was discriminated against as “…..alleging the city discriminated against her daughter by not allowing employees at its after-school and summer programs to administer […]


Diabetes Should Not Even Entered the Argument…..Something YOU SHOULD Know About.

Many times I have stated that any one person can make a difference if they choose to make a difference.  If you have not been following what has been happening in California, you should find out. Yesterday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the American Nurses Association (ANA) v. Tom Torlakson as Superintendent of […]


The Loss of a Giant in Wisdom, Humility, and Balance….A Remembrance.

I write in this space.  I share.  I try to relay to you my emotion and excitement about things that excite me.  I write about people, every day people, who make a difference.  I write to you as I feel things and I inform you on things I learn.  Some things you may know already, […]


On the Road….Many Entities Help Us…..They Don’t ‘Have to’.

My friend and mentor, Charlie Rizzo, once stated to me that he had to do what he does. I have written before about his tireless efforts in the world of diabetes and since his daughter was diagnosed he has never once lost that fire to find a cure. I thought of those words today.  I […]