
A Young Man Who LIVES: Diabetes Just Won’t Do in HIS Life

Have you ever come across something that just says, “WOW!!!!! They got this right?”  As is so clearly known, I’m staff at the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation and I have to admit that I would be lying if I said I was not a tad envious of my friends over at the American Diabetes Association and their […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #19 for D-Month: When it Comes to Advocacy at Schools, One Mom Stands Alone in Her Efforts…..

…….and the answer is, who is Crystal Jackson. Clearly Crystal is part of a great team effort at the American Diabetes Association’s constant battles to protect the rights of people with diabetes in the work place, at school and in many other arenas.  As a mom to a child with T1, Crystal’s efforts are monumental […]


Diabetes Should Not Even Entered the Argument…..Something YOU SHOULD Know About.

Many times I have stated that any one person can make a difference if they choose to make a difference.  If you have not been following what has been happening in California, you should find out. Yesterday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the American Nurses Association (ANA) v. Tom Torlakson as Superintendent of […]


Diabetes Needs a New Name Change????……..Ummm…….More than That!!!!

Let me start off by saying this is NOT AN ARTICLE on what to do with the name of diabetes.  I was just looking at some of those posts and I happen to cut away and started reading an article about one of the rookies trying out for the Baltimore Ravens Football team who has […]


$116,000,000,000 You Pay….What Comes Back?

The American Diabetes Association estimates that when it comes to diabetes 116 billion dollars (with a “b”) is spent on everything out of lost time which is an additional 58 billion dollars. I believe there will be a solid advantage to the pharma world that is aligned with the place and/or organization that takes us closer to a […]