
Taking Off……She is on Her Way

On her way.  In a little while Kaitlyn boards a plane bound for the Children With Diabetes (CWD) Conference in Canada.  It’s snowing, and that is cause for a little anxiety.  It’s on a plane, and that always has its parent-self-inflicted anxiety level (funny thing is that when I fly, I have little).  She will be […]


Messages on the Way to Washington…..Your Messages.

The names jumped out at me; Grace, Kylie, Samantha, Callan, Shelby, and so many more. Stories of kids.  Heartbreaking stories. There seems to be an ongoing dilemma in the diagnosis of diabetes.  Or should I say ‘missed’ diabetes.  A while ago I asked if people would be willing to share their stories.  Stories of kids who […]


Who Digs Us Out????

As I had my morning coffee, today, the day after the big storm, I looked out the window at the magnitude of what will lie ahead for us today.  A whole lot of digging.  Those of us who were hit by the storm will have a choice; dig out alone or enlist the entire family to grab […]


How Smart are You???????

This weekend had me at the Children with Diabetes’ Focus on Technology in Crystal City Virginia or right next to Washington D.C.   In as much as i so enjoy speaking to these great people. I’m also always there to learn as well.  You can never have too much knowledge when it comes to diabetes, and I have […]


Sunday dHero….Santa’s Elves………WHAT!!!!!!

WHAT!!!!  Have I lost my mind?????   Santa’s Elves as Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero?????? Well perhaps, but these are special elves with a special mission and they are here for your children.  They are those incredible volunteers working with Santa to send a personal letter to your child for the holidays. Those letters will even mention how well […]


A Response from a Good Friend of a Broken Hearted Family—Will You Share and/or help this Story?

I have posted a reply to my post about Brian Doss from Tracy Brokmeier, who created the fund-raising page for his family.  Before you read it I would like to share with you that I have concluded that this is about numbers.  Hundreds of people read the blog, and the good news is that we have almost […]