Soon I will be with many others in another country. Funny thing about diabetes; it doesn’t care what country you live in, or the care available, or present family situations; diabetes just does not care. It will come at you and will come at you hard; no matter where you call home. I look forward to meeting […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
I went to get a haircut this week. As I sat and waited for Peter, my barber, there was a father and young man getting what was clearly is first haircut. The barber, ever the master, was clearly not giving his first ‘first’ haircut. The mom was snapping away as the boy sat in his […]
I observed a huge injustice recently that I would like to bring to your attention. This, the Easter Holiday among those who believe, leaves me under the absolute belief that the chicken does all the work this holiday season and the bunny gets all the credit. There are eggs everywhere; dyed, chocolate, marshmallow….the egg is the center of […]
One of the most fascinating aspects of what I do is the people I meet. People never cease to amaze me in how they act, what they say, and what they do. So many choose to sit back and play the sidelines and many live by; “don’t do nothing”. It’s these people who constantly humble me […]
For the last-minute buyers of baskets and goodies for Easter…..what do you give at Easter for both basket surprises and for dinner? Let us know any tips, ideas, or possible even customs that have evolved because of diabetes? Many people could benefit….so hop to it and please share. I am a diabetes dad. Please hop to my Diabetes […]
I write in this space. I share. I try to relay to you my emotion and excitement about things that excite me. I write about people, every day people, who make a difference. I write to you as I feel things and I inform you on things I learn. Some things you may know already, […]