
Halloween and Diabetes….Be Afraid…..Be VERY Afraid……REALLY? Nope. Boo.

From three years ago and updated but still a treat (get it?)…..enjoy.  Happy Halloween. Within the next week will be Halloween. Halloween means so much to kids. Our kids with diabetes are no exception. I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to […]


NEWSBREAK: RYAN REED WINS IN DAYTONA…..Diabetes at 187 mph!!!!!

I have no voice from screaming at the TV. Car accident after car accident. Two involving Ryan. But still, he kept coming back. And kept coming back. In a race that went into overtime…. Ryan Reed won at Daytona tonight in one of the longest races ever on record. BAM TAKE THAT DIABETES. My heart was […]


What If Insulin Was Not Available at ALL??? To Some it’s a Harsh Reality.

In today’s climate where any opinion seems to be a wrong opinion……….to someone; would you like to do something to feel just a little better inside?  I think we all could say, “I wish I had a little more.”  “Life would just be a tad easier if…….”  I think we all have said that at some […]


Good-Bye 2016….and Thank……YOU!!!!!!

Well tear the page off the calender, 2016 is history.  Much has surely happened this year and as I reflect on it, I realize that so much good happened in the year.  I know many feel differently, and that is fine as they are entitled, but I’ve never been one to stay focused on one […]


Twas the Night Before D-Christmas 2016

With special apologies to Clement Moore.   I present a tradition……an updated, ‘Twas the Night Before D-Christmas for 2016 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with prayer, In hopes that Santa would bring the cure with him […]


For One Brief Moment

For one brief moment may you find the peace and solace you need to enjoy those around you. For one brief moment, although you will never forget pain, be allowed to focus on what you DO have around you that brings you joy. For one brief moment, may diabetes behave, to allow you to see […]