
This Man Saved Your (Your Child’s) Life…..What Do You Know About Him?

November 14th, as World Diabetes Day, was not a random day.  It’s the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting.  Dr. Banting was the lead scientist in the discovery of Insulin in 1921.  The amount of lives that have been saved since that tome could probably never be counted.  There is a movie floating around out there, ‘Glory […]


Veterans Day……A Story of a Soldier with T1……..What? Really?

This being Veterans Day….it just seems to me that this incredible about Sgt. Mark Thompson, Army Sgt. First Class, seems both appropriate and inspiring to watch.  A man’s desire to serve his country is stopped………by nothing.  Listen very carefully to what happens when he lands and what he tells you about his device.   Just when […]


Miracle/Inspiration On Ice (pick one)…..T1 was Not the Only Hurdle.

Many times I have read parents who search for inspiration for their child now living with diabetes.  I’m still in the process of creating a video to inspire all kids that they can achieve anything while dealing with this disease 24/7.  One of the most grueling sports to ever consider participating with diabetes is ice […]


That Diabetes Campaign is SOOOOOOO Wrong……Says Who?

Editor’s Note: I felt compelled to remove this post to avoid any misunderstandings that may occur or may have occurred.  I was going to just remove it but people would want to know why so I decided to leave this note. My article was written with/as ABSOLUTELY NO REACTION to any specific post/website/article presently in the DOC or […]


Your Kids May Not Be Doing What You Think…….or Hoped!!!!!

Recently I heard from someone I had not heard from in a long time.  His son was in trouble.  Deep trouble. “Do you remember the times you would ask me how ‘XYZ’ was doing?  And I was telling you great?” “Yes?” “Well he wasn’t and I could use your help.” I did what I could […]


Let us know about YOUR HERO…..and HELP Others!!!!!!

No they do not all have capes and sometimes they are right in our own backyard.  I have seen request after request after request about parents wanting the names of celebrities who have T1 so their newly diagnosed child can be inspired.  I say—THEY CAN BE JUST as inspired by seeing kids THEIR OWN AGE doing […]