
The Doctor’s Visit……Oh My….Let us Know.

Changes everywhere when it comes to the care of our kids.  Enough to baffle the mind, don’t you think? On any given day, you can make an appointment to see your Doctor. (NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: When ever you go to your 1-out-of-4 endocrinology appointments annually, make sure you make your appointment before you leave the […]


Newly DX–Large Keytones–Vomiting–Over 420–What do I do?

  I saw this post recently. I was astounded reading through the many responses of the people who were trying to help this poor mother. I get it.  We want to help. But the only acceptable answer is to get in touch with your medical team ASAP and you need to do it now.   Answers as […]


Is A1C Really a Pass/Fail Test

IS an A1C really pass fail……click here to read my monthly article on Stop beating yourself up.