
This Goes Far Beyond Armstrong…….What a Train Wreck.

At the onset it is easy to just brush off the Lance Armstrong/Oprah interview.  I mean it has nothing to do with diabetes, right?   Well directly, no it doesn’t.  I watched this train wreck of an interview and there is a good chance that if I watch again tonight, it will only be so I […]


The Doctor’s Visit……Oh My….Let us Know.

Changes everywhere when it comes to the care of our kids.  Enough to baffle the mind, don’t you think? On any given day, you can make an appointment to see your Doctor. (NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: When ever you go to your 1-out-of-4 endocrinology appointments annually, make sure you make your appointment before you leave the […]


Your Input Is Needed…..Live from the Red (er…I mean Blue) Carpet, It’s Diabetes Dad’s People Choice Awards.

LIVE from New York…..It’s the Diabetes Dad’s People’s Choice Awards.  Wouldn’t that be so cool.  As I watched the People’s Choice Awards over the weekend I had this crazy thought.   But before I share the thought it is important to know what award ceremonies are all about, and that is recognition.  Now of course that recognition could […]


Miss America????…..We Already Have Ours Thank You.

Did you see the Miss America Pageant on Saturday night?  I’m not afraid to admit it, I did.   Not merely for the talent (which was fun), not for the gowns (really… could they not look gorgeous in gowns), not for their answers which the judges threw at them (I have to admit, the questions this year were […]


Letting Go Sucks!!!!!

I have often stated that no one has made more mistakes than I at this ‘diabetes thing’.  I have also shared many of life’s events that made, or will make, me learn more.  My son Rob has had T1 since March 20th, 2009.  This week he passed his road test and is now a licensed […]


PLEASE Reply and Let Ben Know How Great He Is……..In a Research Trial at THIS MOMENT!!!!!

This is Ben.  Right now he is enrolled in a clinical trial to help others, like himself, who battle diabetes.  He is doing this trial as YOU READ THIS ARTICLE. He could be playing somewhere.  He could be watching TV.  He could also not be hooked up to medical equipment at this very moment.   You can […]