
This Month, ‘Diabetes’ Gets Nothing!

Dear Diabetes Awareness Month, Sorry I have not paid you so much attention this year. I mean I certainly continued the advocacy I find so important. People need to be made aware of your signs so they can get proper care before it is too late. I am also not letting you off the on […]


Diabetes Awareness Month……Key Word: AWARENESS

Well here we are again, Diabetes Awareness Month.  Trending are many people asking to post something each day of this month.  How many test strips do you use, how many units of insulin, how long have you lived with t1d????  Something different each day of the month.  I’m not so sure I would want to […]


November 14th I Get; Can We Make the 13th Diabetes Appreciation Day?????

Go get a piece of paper and a pen. (I’ll wait.) Are you back?   Good. Now start to list everything you do in your day not having to do with diabetes, and not having to do with you, but what you did for someone else.   In other words, “I took a shower” does not count. […]


The Best ‘Diabetes Blue’ has ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS Been With Us.

Long before there were blue circles, blue nail polish, blue buildings, and/or blue…..well anything…….there was a blue that reminded me daily what this ‘diabetes thing’ is all about.  From the time Kaitlyn was diagnosed on September 26th, 1992 I have found peace in the blue skies above. A dear friend once asked me how I […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #16 for D-Month: From the White House to Across the Table; His Pulpit is Life, his Message is Diabetes.

……And the answer is–Who is James R. Gavin III. Dr. Gavin is more than just an endocrinologist and a specialist in diabetes and metabolism; he is a worldwide advocate on changing the landscape of diabetes and he is going at it full steam.  when he speaks it is as almost as if you are at […]


Diabetes Awareness Month—How About Something Different this Year….Yes?.

November is Diabetes Awareness month thus deemed so by the American Diabetes Association a long time ago and followed by the world.  November 14th is Diabetes Awareness Day–in honor of Frederick Banting who is the youngest Nobel laureate in the area of Physiology/Medicine for his discovery of insulin (he did not do it alone but that is a […]