
Do You Know Mr. Make-Sure? Don’t You Wish You Didn’t?

I want it back the way it was. We dug out for 7 hours yesterday.  The official results is that our little town in Medford, Long Island was hit the hardest with 33 inches.  I measured 31 inches but who am I to squabble at two inches. Just as we were finishing, some friends of […]


Who Digs Us Out????

As I had my morning coffee, today, the day after the big storm, I looked out the window at the magnitude of what will lie ahead for us today.  A whole lot of digging.  Those of us who were hit by the storm will have a choice; dig out alone or enlist the entire family to grab […]


Are you ready???? Share your best tips also.

Those of us in the Northeast are buckling down for the incoming major storm.   Again.  This time; snow.  We will cope.  We are ready. Are you? I was speaking to someone recently and the discussion for ‘preparedness’ came up and I cannot stress that ‘back-up’ plans are okay but back-up for the back-up will  make […]


Time to Say Good-Bye!!! And Thanks……..

I think back to that day, that September 26th, 1992 day; so very often. The trip up to Stony Brook Hospital.  The day Kaitlyn was diagnosed. Perhaps my observation training as an actor, perhaps that observation training as a parent.  The smell of the hospital.  The scenery as you drive up to the hospital at […]


What Will Happen in Washington?

They are on their way to Washington.  Seems that letters went out to the many of 150 children who were chosen as delegtes for the JDRF Children’s Congress.   When I was part of the program we called it the ‘Run Up the Hill’, a great choice on the name now used. The testimony and the […]


GET THERE NOW!!!!! Not to Be Missed. TODAY it opens.

It’s Diabetes Art Day….and you should walk, run, fly……okay—Click—your way to this FABULOUS idea.  I have often said ‘don’t do nothing’ and Ms. Lee Ann Thill has taken her love and passion for art and shared it with us in the diabetes world as it has never been done before.  Diabetes Art Day has two […]