
‘POOF’, A Magic Wand……What Do You Want?

I’m sure that years and years ago someone asked the question, “How do I go through a toll booth and pay without having to stop?” The question was asked.  And sooner (or later) someone’s great mind figured out exactly how to do it. Did you ever ask yourself, I need a tool that does ‘such-and-such’?  Why […]


Yes Virginia, There Will be a Cure! A Take on a Classic Tale for a Diabetes Cure.

In answer to all of the postings I have recently seen from children asking Santa for a cure, today, with apologies to The New York Sun, I dust off an old article I did for dLife and respond to a letter from a young lady who asked a simple question during this holiday season. Her […]


Even with Diabetes…..It’s a Wonderful Life…..What are You Thankful for?

Because we are in the Holiday Season: The Scene: I’m laying in the snow and Clarence, my guardian angel, is talking to me. Clarence: Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. I wake up, I’m dazed.  Probably too much to drink.  I think I’m in a dream.  I know it surely […]


Be Inspired: Meet the Person Living with T1 the Longest in the World……And She is Nowhere Near Done.

I remember the great scene in the movie Titanic.  Kate Winslet’s character, Rose, lays down at the end of her life and the camera pans her many photographs of the great experiences on the mantle that Rose had in her life after surviving the evening of hell, when Titanic sunk to the bottom of the ocean.  […]


What is Your Question?????……the DOC is Here to Help.

The last week has taught me a very valuable lesson.  So many people responded to the questions I asked and many more parents were grateful for the input. We, as parents, have an incredible resource available to us.  As I read many private and public replies, emails, and private messages I have learned that many […]


Do Our Kids Look Upon Themselves….as Damaged?….Again Seeking Input.

Last night I saw the movie, Love and Other Drugs.  Before you start your car to run to the Redbox outside your local 7-11 or quickly download from Netflix, you need to know that this is a real, raw film.  And you may want to see it before sharing with your older teens due to […]