Why should I write about Scott Johnson? Because sometimes someone comes along and we just must; to remind us how REAL people; can also be the most incredibly fascinating and inspirational. As we go through the world of people who claim the limelight of climbing Mount Everest, or playing football for the Chicago Bears, or […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
There was a discussion on one of the sites recently from a mom who stated that she felt guilty when she bribed her child regarding diabetes care. There was an entire ‘thread’ on what people thought. Some gave really creative and solid answers. I reached out to two people who I deeply respect. Jill Weissberg-Benchell, Ph.D., […]
There are many people who write about their lives with diabetes. Many moms write, dads write, people with diabetes write, and health professionals all venture into the pool of literary wisdom, humor, and teachable moments sharing their thoughts and experiences. I enjoy the writings of many of my colleagues in this space but every now and again […]
Mary Podjasek, President of the Diabetes Scholars Foundation informs me that over 1000 college scholarship applications were received from kids living with type 1 diabetes. Think about that……..over 1000 applicants. Imagine all of them in one graduating class; out to change the world. If you apply for a scholarship, you are not awarded based only […]
Jessica Collins writes a blog called “Me and D” and it is always a great read. She calls it like she, not only sees it but, lives it. She lives by a mantra that should be cut out and posted above everyone’s bedpost–having diabetes or not. She writes: The biggest accomplishment for all of us living […]
Look–this is starting to get on my nerves. In fact I am starting to really get pissed off. A lawsuit was just filed, by a single mom, in Cape Corla Florida that a child was discriminated against as “…..alleging the city discriminated against her daughter by not allowing employees at its after-school and summer programs to administer […]